Full Steam Ahead With Updates


It has been a super productive last couple of days.  Just wanted to let everyone know the updates that have been happening.


Firstly I am super pleased to announce that a large number of worksheets are now migrated over and generating problems at top speed.  There are lots of chemical naming worksheets added under Science 10, as well as some thermochemistry worksheets under the Chemistry 12 category.


Physics 11 and Physics 12 still have quite a few worksheets to be migrated over, and those will be added in the next week or two as I continue to clean up my To Do list.


Videos in Progress


The next exciting news that I have is that my newest attempt at making some instructional videos seems to be going very well.  With seven videos completed at the moment, the channel is starting to build up some content and I am really looking forward to surpassing my tenth video.


If the content in the videos seems scattered about it is because I am making videos on an “As Needed” basis.  Those who have requested the specific topics are being added to my list and I am working my way through them.


Check out the new Workshop49 youtube channel.


Workshop49 on YouTube


If you have a video that you would really like to see me do, please let me know, and I will see what can be done.


Lay on the Feedback


I thrive on feedback.  Is a feature helpful?  Not helpful?  Not understood?  Please let me know.  My passion on this project is based on helping others, so I want to do the most good that I can.


Challenges get my motivated!  So don’t hold back!


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