When given a set of raw data that you have been asked to convert into a histogram, it is very beneficial to first organize it into a frequency table. This is even more important if you’ve been given a very large list of data, or if the data is unsorted. Frequency tables are a great way to quickly organize your data into bins.
What’s a bin? It’s just a range of values. If we were sorting test scores you might make bins such as 60-69, and 70-79. Those are pretty common bins and they have a bin width of 10. Sometimes you will see bins written as 60-70 and then 70-80. You can do this too if like, but it can be kind of ambiguous on what to do if you have a test score like 70. If you have bins with overlapping numbers, the rule is that if a value lands exactly in the middle, it goes into the higher bin. So in that previous example, if we had a test score of 70, it would go into the 70-80 bin. You can avoid that confusion just be writing your bins like we did in the beginning.
How many bins you create to sort your data is up to you. In some questions you will be told a bin width, and in some questions you need to decide on it yourself. I like to have about 4 to 8 bins. Sure we could group all of our test scores from 0-50 and then 51-100, we would only have two bins and they would be horrible bins. We would be much better off making smaller bin widths because then we would get more information.